West Branch Rocky River Greenway

The West Branch Rocky River Greenway is a 1.1-mile paved segment of the Carolina Thread Trail, and is one of the many greenways owned and maintained by Mecklenburg County. The greenway also serves as a connector trail to the West Branch Nature Preserve Trail.
Trail Uses
Accessible Experience Walking / hiking / running Paved surface biking
Davidson (NC)
1.10 miles, One Way
Motorized Vehicles
Not Permitted
Permitted on leash
Parking Spaces
10 spaces
Dawn - Dusk


The West Branch Rocky River Greenway is a 1.1-mile, out-and-back segment of the Carolina Thread Trail. Walkers, runners, and bikers will enjoy using this trail, which is owned and maintained by Mecklenburg County.The greenway also serves as a connector to the West Branch Nature Preserve, a natural surface trail that runs along the 90 acres of wetland preserved by Mecklenburg County in 2008. Nearby greenways in Davidson can also be reached via connecting sidewalk sections. 

The West Branch Rocky River Greenway winds through Piedmont alluvial forest, and visitors will enjoy the shade provided by the canopy of sweet gum, black walnut, and tulip poplar trees. The close proximity to the river provides an opportunity for greenway travelers to view many species of frogs and other amphibians. The small birdhouses placed along the trail provide shelter for many species of local songbirds which are frequently visible along the trail.

Other Information

*Special note: bikes are permitted along the greenway, but are not permitted on the natural surface trails of the West Branch Nature Preserve.

Trail Manager

Visit Mecklenburg County Parks & Recreation  or see the MAP for more information, or contact:

Mecklenburg County
5841 Brookshire Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28216
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Falcon Trail Takes Flight in Stanly County
Falcon Trail Takes Flight in Stanly County
Expanding the Carolina Thread Trail in rural communities takes a different approach than in urban centers. Even though the Village of Misenheimer is tiny (only 650 residents as of the last census), they have an outsized commitment to building the Thread Trail.
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Trail Tips

See and Be Seen
Bring a flashlight or headlamp and wear reflective clothing when out after dark.
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View Connector Trails
Antiquity Greenway
South Prong Rocky River Greenway/ Southeast Greenway/ Davidson Greenway
West Branch Nature Preserve Trail

Trailhead Information

Trailhead Location: Connecting South Prong Rocky River Greenway/Southeast Greenway/Davidson Greenway MAP

Parking Address and Trailhead Location: Approximately 18444-458 Shearer Road, Davidson, NC 28036 MAP

Trailhead Location: Connecting West Branch Nature MAP

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