Ramsour's Mill Trail

This 0.3-mile natural surface trail runs behind the historic Ramsour's Mill Battleground. There is also a small river access point where paddlers can access Clark Creek and ultimately the South Fork River.
Trail Uses
Walking / hiking / running Mountain biking
Lincolnton (NC)
0.30 miles, One Way
Gravel/Crushed stone, Natural surface
Motorized Vehicles
Not Permitted
Permitted on leash
Parking Spaces
Dawn - Dusk


This 0.3-mile natural surface trail is very wide and a great place to walk. The property also features a canoe and kayak launch along Clark Creek. This segment of The Thread Trail will eventually connect to City Park, the Marcia H. Cloninger Rail Trail and the South Fork River. The Lincoln County Historical Society owns and maintains this segment of the Thread Trail.

Special Note: Clark Creek connects to the South Fork Blueway. Paddlers should be advised that Clark's Creek is a narrow and shallow creek. Paddlers may encounter downed trees that require portage. Experienced paddlers only.

Although this trail is relatively short, it offers excellent views of the battleground's historic buildings. The trail intersects the site of a major revolutionary war battle, the Battle of Ramsour Mill. This battle was an important victory for the Patriots, but was a costly battle for both sides. At least four known graves are located on the property. 

Other Information

In seasons with heavy foliage, visitors might be unable view the Carolina Thread Trail sign. The sign is located at the hand-carry boat launch access point for Clark Creek.

Trail Manager

Visit the Lincoln County Historical Association website for more information or contact:

Lincoln County Historical Association
Executive Director
403 E. Main Street
Lincolnton, NC 28092
View website

Featured Post

Trail Power: Economic study shows how trails benefit communities
Trail Power: Economic study shows how trails benefit communities
For trail users and supporters, it’s no secret that access to the outdoors brings many benefits. Better health for users of course, but also positive economic and environmental impacts for communities. Thanks to a recent study about the Carolina Thread Trail network, we can now assign a monetary value to many of these intangibles.
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Trail Tips

Beat the Heat
Wear lightweight, breathable clothes and consider exercising in the morning or evening, when it is cooler. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after activity.
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View Connector Trails
South Fork Catawba River Blueway - Lincolnton Section

Trailhead Information

Parking Address:402 Jeb Seagle Drive, Lincolnton, NC 28082 MAP

Trailhead Location: MAP

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